Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tiger Woods Treated For Sex Addiction. Wait? What?

Earlier today it was reported that Tiger Woods has been receiving treatment for Sex Addiction at an expensive clinic during his self-imposed exile.

Is this supposed to make us feel bad for Tiger? I think that because of the way this story came out this move by Tiger was not one to gain some slice of sympathy from an unforgiving public. However this is not what Tiger should be doing. He needs to come out and speak about his sex scandal now (he's already a month or so late) so everyone can start to forget about this and let him get back to preparing for the Masters this April. Addressing the media is the only way to start rebuilding his reputation. If you're going to get treated for Sex Addiction at least tell the public that's what you're doing and show to us that you want to repent. I feel we reaching the point where the longer Tiger Woods stays silently cooped up the more it will hurt him in the long run. I personally thought he was spending this time working on his golf game but now I'm not so sure.

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